

Here comes our new episode of the series of “Enterprise Discoveries” and our destination today is the headquarters of Hangzhou PingPong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.



Adhering to technology innovation and product invention since its establishment, PingPong has been providing one-stop cross-border solutions covering collection, payment, remittance, management, SaaS and so on for small and medium-sized enterprises, technology enterprises, and financial institutions according to their comprehensive needs.



As the decision-making center and strategic core of the company, the new building of the global headquarters of PingPong serves as the office location for its main teams like technology research and development, risk control and compliance, and ecosystem construction. The appearance of the building features two table tennis balls, one in motion and one at rest, indicating “providing fast, back-and-forth, small-amount, and high-frequency payment services” just as what its name “PingPong” implies. In the lobby of the headquarters building, a giant aquarium stands out prominently with small sharks swimming continuously with passion and perseverance, becoming a “totem” for the company’s corporate culture. Over the past nine years, PingPong has helped hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and merchants overcome the final hurdle in cross-border payments, facilitating the “globalization” of Made-in-China products.



It is worth mentioning that the meeting rooms in the office area of the building are named by long-time employees of the company and outstanding employees in recent years, some after the zodiac signs of their children, some after their birth places, and still others after their favorite cartoon characters, writers, artists, and so on such as Bing Xin, Han Yu, Leonardo da Vinci, etc., which adds more fun to the work environment.




There is a specially designed spiral staircase connecting all floors of the office area, through which employees can reach any office floor within 3 minutes, facilitating easy communication and eliminating the trouble of waiting for elevators during peak hours. Such design also carries a beautiful wish, hoping that the enterprise can keep spiral-upwards, remain steadfast, and develop steadily even when facing challenges, twists, and turns.




To memorialize and express gratitude for the help of Hangzhou city to the development of PingPong, the rooms on the 15th floor of the building are named after ancient city gates and places in Hangzhou. “Qiantang”, an old name for Hangzhou, now holds new significance within PingPong. The Chinese character “Qian” means money in English, symbolizing the ability of the company to facilitate cross-border fund flows. “Tang” as the Tang Dynasty, one of the most open eras in Chinese history which had trade relations with hundreds of countries over a span of nearly 300 years, represents the wish of PingPong to continue supporting international trade in the long history and future.






Moreover, the public spaces of PingPong are well-designed to provide employees with a better working environment, making people feel like wandering in a lush garden. There are spacious gyms and basketball courts on the second floor, allowing employees to engage in physical activities and relieve stress after work. The office floors are equipped with baby care rooms and playrooms for children to play and learn. There is also a large cafeteria in the building big enough to accommodate 3,000 people, offering a wide variety of delicious food for the breakfast, lunch, and dinner of employees. In addition, there is a special-designed rest area on each floor where people can take a break and get relaxed.



PingPong will enjoy a brighter future and a better service system after the opening of its global headquarters in Binjiang, thus providing global users with better and more efficient cross-border payment services.